
Narrow Strip Release Paper Roll.

Narrow Strip Release Paper Roll

Narrow strip release paper is used in a wide variety of printing devices. Many of these devices have toothed mechanisms that engage the holes in perforated strips along the edges of computer printout paper or like products to feed and guide the paper through the device. These strips are joined to the main body of the paper by a tear line that can be torn to separate the two. This operation can be difficult and time consuming. It also involves a substantial risk of tearing the main paper itself.

The present invention provides a device for gripping the perforated strips on the edge of paper to allow them to be torn from the main paper with a minimum amount of effort and with substantially reduced risk of damaging the main paper. The device comprises a base and a top hinged to the base in positions to be folded over the main body into clamping relationship with the perforated strip of paper. The teeth on the top are formed to extend into the holes of the perforated strip and to engage the strip to securely hold the strip against the main body of paper when it is torn from the strip.

A method of applying a pasted mend is also provided. In one embodiment, the adhesive is applied to the reinforcing strip on a smooth inert surface such as polyester. The reinforcing strip is then brushed outwards to splay the fibers. The adhesive is then brushed to the tear edge of the paper. This procedure may be repeated if necessary. The adhesive is then allowed to dry thoroughly, preferably for at least 30 minutes. This allows sufficient time for the fibers to align and bond together. The resulting repair can then be rolled up into a spiral or folded over itself and wrapped in the same manner as a scroll type mend.

The use of blotters to absorb moisture is recommended to prevent accidental adhesion between the mend and support. In addition, it is suggested that the mend be weighed down to avoid cockling of the support and contraction of the paste layers. A tacking iron can be used to heat the surface of the mend to accelerate drying, if desired. These methods may be adapted for repairing a variety of paper types and sizes.